Sharing Historical Findings Widely

Yale and Slavery: A History provides a more complete narrative not only of Yale’s history, but that of New Haven, Connecticut, and the nation. Aligned with Yale’s core educational mission, the university will provide opportunities for communities within and beyond campus to learn from the findings.
Book Distribution
Yale is providing copies of the book Yale and Slavery: A History to each public library and high school in New Haven, as well as to local churches and other community organizations. A free digital version is also available to all.
New Haven Museum Exhibition
On February 16, 2024, Yale opened a new exhibition at the New Haven Museum, created in collaboration with the Yale University Library, Yale and Slavery Research Project, and the Museum. The exhibition complements the publication of Yale and Slavery: A History and draws from the research project’s key findings in areas such as the economy and trade, Black churches and schools, the 1831 Black college proposal, and memory and memorialization in the 20th century and today. The exhibition has a special focus on stories of Black New Haven, including early Black students and alumni of Yale, from the 1830s to 1940. There is no admission fee for viewing the exhibition.

App-Guided Tour
A new app features a map and narration about key sites on campus related to slavery and its legacies, offering users the opportunity to take a self-guided tour. The 19 points of interest on the tour start with the John Pierpont House and end at Eli Whitney’s tomb in the Grove Street Cemetery.
DeVane Lectures in Fall 2024
Professor David W. Blight will teach the DeVane Lectures in the fall 2024 semester. Students can take the course for credit, and New Haven and other local community members can attend free of charge. The lectures will cover the findings of the Yale and Slavery Research Project and other related scholarly work and will be filmed and is available free online.
Campus Tours
With a more accurate understanding of Yale’s history, we are updating campus tours so that they include the key findings from the Yale and Slavery Project, particularly around the Civil War Memorial and Connecticut Hall.