Building a Stronger Community

What is Belonging at Yale?

The Belonging at Yale initiative helps to create a university environment in which everyone can thrive and contribute to excellence in education and research.

Belonging at Yale emerged in 2018 after several years of discussion over what it means to belong at Yale and how the community could move forward in a way that enhances diversity, supports equity, and promotes an environment of welcome, inclusion, and respect. Initiated by President Peter Salovey and led by Secretary and Vice President for University Life Kimberly Goff-Crews, the aim of the initiative is to encourage a more empathetic, supportive, and inclusive community, while also actively promoting a free exchange of ideas and viewpoints.


The actions and activities fostered by Belonging at Yale are many. They include efforts at the university-wide level, such as those to support excellence and diversity among the faculty and staff, a program to bolster first-generation college students at Yale, and the Yale and Slavery Research Project itself. Belonging at Yale has also spurred separate action plans by all of Yale’s schools and administrative units.


Belonging at Yale Details

Some actions are focused within Yale, others on improving Yale’s ties to the surrounding community, and still others on connecting Yale with the wider world. One initiative helps train and prepare staff for senior positions within the university; another helps local minority-owned suppliers do business with Yale and get paid faster; and yet another has opened all of Yale’s massive archives and collections to researchers everywhere, allowing for new stories to be discovered and told by people worldwide.


  • Belonging at Yale Website

    Explore the full website to find out all the details about actions and activities across campus.

  • Belonging Annual Report

    Read the full report to learn about priorities and how resources have been allocated.